The Close Relationships, Identity and Stigma (CRIS)) lab is recruiting research assistants. Research assistants in the CRIS lab are expected to be exceptional undergraduates with an interest in psychology. We require that all students have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and be either a major or minor in psychology. Participation in the lab requires a 1-year commitment (2 semesters).
The Close Relationships, Identity and Stigma (CRIS) lab is recruiting research assistants. Research assistants in the CRIS lab are expected to be exceptional undergraduates with an interest in psychology. We require that all students have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and be either a major or minor in psychology. Participation in the lab requires a 1-year commitment (2 semesters). Each semester will grant you 3 credits from course 391/392, Research in Psychology.
The CRIS lab is a social psychology lab on the New Brunswick campus of Rutgers University supervised by Professor Diana Sanchez. As a social psychology lab, our studies employ diverse methodologies including explicit survey measures, implicit reaction time responses, and physiological measures. We scientifically assess
(1) antecedents and consequences of gender, racial, and concealable identities, as well as, body prejudice
(2) discrimination and stereotyping
(3) the process of identification and categorization for social category members and
(4) research on close relationships that documents the role of gender role constraints, and coping with stigma.
To apply for a position in this lab, please follow the instructions on our laboratory website.