ADVANCED - 2 Course Program for Specialty Certifcate 


For those who have successfully completed our General or Accelerated Track Programs, the SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING LAB Program is a program earning specialty certificates.  The SEL Lab Program will deepen your understanding of Social-Emotional Learning, pedagogy and practice by learning how to teach your students specific SEL skills in a one-on-one setting.  A new certificate with the specific specialty earned will be noted on the certificate.

For those who would be taking the following courses/programs as a stand alone will receive a program certificate for the specific program.  We recommend taking (101) Foundations from our General Track Program prior to registering for either of these programs.

This program is also applicable to those participants who work outside the school setting and/or who are after or out of school providers.

 (500) The Social-Emotional Learning Lab Two-Course Online Certificate Program

This two course program adds another dimension to your SECD prevention Program.  The SEL Lab will be a welcomed addition to your SECD programming.  The SEL Lab allows students who are having difficulty internalizing and generalizing SECD skills  taught, to learn specific skills in a one on one setting.  Requirement for this program: Book purchase


501 - Social-Emotional Learning Lab Course (2)

The first course is a 13 week course that will take participants of this course through the start-up and facilitation of initiating and implementing your SEL Lab.   Cost: $324.00          click here to register


502 - Social-Emotional Learning Lab Practicum Course (1)

The second course (the practicum) is a 10 week course that will allow participants to start up their lab and begin working with students under the mentorship of our trained and experience SEL Lab Instructors.

 Cost: $318.00                              Dates coming soon!