Arnold Glass
Phone: 848-445-8914
Office: Psychology 121, 120
Campus: Busch
Areas: Cognitive Psychology
Address : Psychology Building, 152 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway NJ 08854-8020
1968-1971 B.A., Psychology State University of New York, Buffalo, NJ
1971-1975: Ph.D., Psychology Stanford University, Standford California
Date of Birth: March 9, 1951
Place: Newark, New Jersey
1975 -1980 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University
1980 - 2004 Associate Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University
1981 - 1982 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
1985 Research Health Scientist, Veterans Administration, Honolulu, Hawaii
1997 - 1998 Visiting Scientist, Medical Research Council Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge UK
1998 Guest Professor & Fulbright Scholar, University of Oslo
2004 - present Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University
Professional Affiliations:
1975 – Member, Psychonomic Society
1975 – 2010 Member, Eastern Psychological Association
2000 – 2003 Program Committee, Eastern Psychological Association
2004 – 2010 Executive Officer, Eastern Psychological Association
2010 – Fellow & Life Member, Eastern Psychological Association
1988 – Founding Member, Association for Psychological Science
1979-1984 Consulting Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance
1986-1989 Consulting Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Fellowships and Honors:
1981-1982 James McKeen Cattell Fund Award
1998 Fulbright Fellowship
2008 International Psychology Award
2010 International Psychology Award
2010 Fellow and Life Member, Eastern Psychological Association
2012 NAKFI Participant, Conference on the informed brain in the digital world
2017 PROSE Honorable Mention for Cognition: A Neuroscience Approach, Association of American Publishers
Grants and Sources of Support:
1975-1976 NIMH: Decision Processes in Semantic Memory; $1,800
1976-1977 NIMH: The Verification of Sentences; $5,000
1978-1984 NIMH: The Structure of the Lexicon; $95,187
1979-1984 NIMH/UMDNJ: Semantic Decision-Making in Normal Readers and Dyslexics; $75,000
1989-1992 NSF: Syntactic Processing and Grammatical Intuition $143,858
2006-2007 Thomson Learning: Development of New Instructional Methods and Materials Using Interactive Technology; $50,000
2014-2017 NSF: NeTS: End-User Behavior and Prospect Pricing in Wireless Data Networks
Award Number: 14071499; PI: Narayan Mandayam, Co-PI: Arnold Glass
Start and End Dates: 10/1/14-9/30/17, Direct Costs: $336,572, Rutgers Direct Costs: $163,428, Total: $500,000 (% of time: 10%)
2016-2019 NSF: CRISP Type 2: Collaborative Research: Towards Resilient Smart Cities $900,000,
Rutgers: Award Number: 1541069; PI: Narayan Mandayam, Co-PI: Arnold Glass, Co-PI: Janne Lindqvist, Start and End Dates: 1/1/16-12/31/19, Direct Costs: $632,501
Rutgers Indirect Costs: $267,499, Total: $900,000 (% of time: 10%)
2016-2017 NSF: EAGER: Renewables: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Prosumer-Centric Grid Energy Management $300,000 Rutgers share: $100,000.
Rutgers: Award Number: Award Number: 1549900; PI: Narayan Mandayam, Co-PI: Arnold Glass; Start and End Dates: 9/15/15-8/31/17, Direct Costs: $64,516, Rutgers Indirect Costs: $35,484, Total: $100,000 (% of time: 10%)
2017-2019 NSF:EAGER: Simulated and Synthetic Data for Interdependent Communications and Energy Critical Infrastructures. $200,000. Rutgers share: $100,000. PI: Narayan Mandayam, Co-PI: Arnold Glass, Co-PI: Janne Lindqvist; Start and End Dates: 9/1/17-8/31/19.