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Undergraduate Student Research

Psychology Honors Thesis: Understanding depression's influence on health beliefs as a barrier to health care utilization in women with denometriosis
Student Author: Dana Steinberg

Psychology Honors Thesis: The influence of beta and calcium channel blocker use on physical activity among adults with unstable angina and diagnosed anxiety
Student Author: Yuthikaa Raj

Psychology Honors Thesis: The role of anxiety sensitivity in understanding sex differences in physical activity behavior
Student Author: Gloria Gomez
*Winner of the Alice and Walter Phillips Award for Outstanding Thesis Proposal and the Henry Rutgers Scholar Award
A post-hoc secondary analysis of the impact of anxiety sensitivity on smokers' physical activity stratified by gender. Research to-date has shown that females are significantly less physically active and score higher on metrics of anxiety sensitivity (e.g. fear or aversion to anxiety-related bodily sensations), a potential barrier to physical activity engagement. This analysis aimed to evaluate whether anxiety sensitivity is a sex-specific psychological vulnerability that may explain sex differences in PA behavior in daily cigarette smokers.

Douglass Residential College Project Science for Undergraduates: A Program for Excellence in Research (Project SUPER) Thesis: A Systematic Review of Yoga Intervention for Headache
Student Author: Shanzeh Nasir
A literature review of the research published to-date on yoga as a physical activity intervention for migraine and chronic head pain. Physical activity may be an effective form of migraine management. However, previous research from our team has identified beliefs about the intensity of physical activity may be a barrier to physical activity engagement in individuals with migraine. Yoga, a light form of physical activity, may offer the same treatment benefits of other exercise on migraine symptoms, while also being more approachable.