
A group of four graduate students (two in Psychology; 2 in Computer
Science) with funding from the Perceptual Science IGERT (NSF) worked as
a team on a project as part of the IGERT-created Interdisciplinary
Methods in Perceptual Science course.  Their project, published recently
in the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications,  used an
innovative active visual search task combined with Bayesian ideal
observer modeling to show that people have limited ability to learn to
override semantic priors when searching for common objects within visual
scenes. The students worked as a team on all phases of the project, from
initial design through manuscript submission and acceptance, with
exceptional levels of coordination and cooperation, contributing
different aspects to the project and learning from one another. The full
reference is Rehrig, G.L., Cheng, M., McMahan, B.C. & Shome, R. (2021)
Why are the batteries in the microwave?: Use of semantic information
under uncertainty in a search task. Cognitive Research: Principles and
Implication, 6:32, 1-22. To see the entire article, click here