(Sponsor- Maurice Elias) The Rutgers – Data-Driven Instructional Coaching Model (RU-DDICM) is a model demonstration project designed to implement a technology assisted data-driven coaching model to enhance teachers’ reading intervention practices and improve student outcomes for K-3 students with or at-risk for reading disabilities. Students experiencing early reading performance deficits have lower school performance throughout middle and high school and are at an elevated risk for school dropout (i.e., 2.5 times more likely to drop out), which has devastating effects on future adult employment and wellness. DDICM aims to build local school-based coaches capacity to support reading interventionists and classroom teachers with knowledge and skills in research-based data-driven reading interventions, ultimately leading to improvements in K-3 students’ early reading performance. The effectiveness of DDICM will be evaluated based on a multi-method and multi-data source process during the fall, winter, and spring over the course of four years, from Fall 2021 through Spring 2025. Data will be collected on students’ reading performance and outcomes through a standardized reading assessment battery, the Woodcock Johnson IV Achievement Test (WJIV), along with universal screening, and district specific reading assessments. Data will also be collected on data-driven reading intervention practices using knowledge and perception surveys and online logging, as well as data on coaching sessions through qualitative coding of audio recordings. This is a tremendous opportunity for students to obtain experience interacting with elementary grade students and conducting a standardized reading assessment, as well as gaining new skills in conducting meaningful school-based educational and psychological research. The project is interested in recruiting highly motivated undergraduate research assistants to play a vital role in collecting students reading performance data. This will be an outstanding opportunity for students who are interested in early reading assessment and intervention research focused on improving teachers’ and reading interventionists’ evidence-based practices for students with or at risk for early reading difficulties.



Undergraduate research assistants working on this project will: 

  • Participate in multi-site research in public elementary schools throughout New Jersey
  • Receive training on administering and scoring the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement 
  • Conduct WJIV reading performance assessments for 200 students in grades K-3 across 9 schools 
  • Receive training on qualitative coding audio sessions for the fidelity of coaching protocols 
  • Design, administer, and monitor online survey and data collection forms in Qualtrics 
  • Assist in the processing of research data, including data entry, quality control, and analytics for student performance data, student behavior rating scales, surveys, and coaching integrity data
  • Interact and engage with school-based personnel to coordinate data collection activities



  • A 2-semester commitment for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.
  • A minimum of 9 hours per week between the hours of 8:30 am and 3 pm.
  • Personal transportation (such as a car) is required to visit elementary schools



Students interested in applying to participate in the Rutgers DDICM program should send an email and a current résumé to project manager Ms. Gina Mazzariello.

Gina Mazzariello Project Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone: 831-331-5269